This month is nearly over. If you are one of the many self assessed income tax payers before you know it you will be waist deep in, well Tax Returns for the previous financial year. If you are one of the many of those that use the Revenue Online Service (ROS) to tackle this onerous task then this article should aid you in overcoming some of the regular IT obstacles that you come against. As well as benefiting from online access to your Tax Return process, with ROS, you also gain the extended deadline of November 13th for getting your information in. Don’t wait until then though! Here’s how you can use ROS to do your Pay-And-File Tax Returns and what you should look out for.
- First thing that you will need is to make sure that your computer has what is called Java installed on it. Java is an application that once it is installed on your computer, is used by the Revenue website to make sure you are who you say you are. You can download the latest version of this here httpss:// . As well as this, you are also asked for your password on the Revenue Online site ( before you are able to access your Tax Return information. If you have not setup the Revenue Online Service before then you can do so here .
- It is important to remember that the ‘ROS’ PC folder that you will get out of this has to be put in the root of your PCs C:\ drive. You can get to there by clicking the Start icon on your desktop and clicking MyComputer/Computer or opening a Windows Explorer window at any stage from the bottom of your screen and clicking on MyComputer/Computer.
- Java is a common way in to computers for viruses and hackers which is why we suggest not having it in your PC unless you need it for this purpose. As always, it is advisable to have an up to date Anti-Virus package in order to balance the risk and benefit of anything that you do online.
We regularly manage the sensitive data of people and businesses. If you need to transfer all your files from an old PC to a new one and want to make sure that all your applications including ROS still work then we are the people to do this for you. Whether you’re a primary school, a solicitors practice or another small business we have the IT knowledge and experience to support you.
If you are suffering from this or any other problem please don’t hesitate to call one of our qualified engineers. We will be delighted to help.
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